IRT 3000


Airmould internal gas pressure technology: sustainability and conservation of resources


Airmould is a process by which nitrogen is injected into a mold cavity partly or completely filled with melt to form an internal cavity structure. In this way, light-weight components can be produced within a short cycle time and simultaneously with high-quality surfaces, while saving resources as well. All components required for this process have been developed and are produced in-house by WITTMANN BATTENFELD in Germany.

ZNP2A8CAirmould 4.0 pressure control modules, central unit, control terminal

With the further development of this technology – brought to mar­ket as Airmould 4.0 – a system has been created which meets the industry’s demand for easy operation and compact­ness and offers its users a number of advan­tages. Airmould 4.0 is an internal gas pres­sure system which no longer requires a large control cabinet, thus saving custom­ers valuable space on the production floor. The necessary pressure control modules have also been further downsized and thus become very compact. As a result, they can now be mounted and used flexibly on any injection molding machine. For easier opera­tion, Airmould 4.0 can be fully integrated in the Unilog B8 or B8X control system of WITTMANN BATTENFELD machines. For use on machines of other brands, user-friendly operation is also ensured via the WITT-MANN Group’s standardized manual con­trol terminal.


In times when CO2 footprint and conser­vation of resources are buzzwords, the Air-mould technology has become more and more significant for users. This process saves resources in more than one way. Firstly, the use of this technology saves plastic material. Secondly, these material savings lead to a reduction in part weight, which is of great benefit especially for the automotive and mobility sectors by reducing, in turn, the required energy input. Since nitrogen gas is injected exclusively into the interior of the cavity in internal gas pressure injection molding, there are no limitations whatsoev­er to the quality of the parts’ surface finish compared to compact injection molding. On the contrary: with Airmould, the gas assumes the function of the holding pres­sure and counteracts component shrinkage from the inside. As a result, it reduces the formation of sink marks and warpage. This aspect is of major significance primarily for thick-walled parts.

Range of use

Typical applications for Airmould technolo­gy are bar-shaped parts. These include all kinds of handles, levers, brackets and hang­ers for weight reduction, such as door han­dles for the automotive sector. Additional examples are components for white goods or home and garden tools, where material savings have a substantial effect on costs. Some further common applications are media lines and tubes for the automotive sector and parts for the furniture industry, such as components for tables and chairs.

Apart from bar-shaped geometries, Air-mould can also be used for flat parts with ribs, such as panels and covers, or beverage crates and tabletops. Here, the nitrogen is injected precisely into the rib structures, in order to prevent sink marks on the surface of the opposite side. Moreover, this process is also suitable for flat parts with local bulg­es. Typical examples here are car outside mirrors, housings or reusable boxes.

Airmould channel inside a door handle.Airmould channel inside a door handle.



Automobile door handle – produced with Airmould technology for weight reduction.Automobile door handle – produced with Airmould technology for weight reduction.





Clothes pegs – material savings by using Airmould.Clothes pegs – material savings by using Airmould.






Airmould channel inside a gas pedalAirmould channel inside a gas pedal






Author: Gabriele Hopf - Marketing Manager of WITTMANN BATTENFELD GmbH in Kotting-brunn, Lower Austria.

ar©tur 2021