IRT 3000



A publication that reaches out to professionals and decision makers

IRT3000 is the only specialised professional magazine in Slovenian, Croatian and Serbian language to comprehensively and regularly inform its readers about achievements and best practices from advanced technical and industrial branches.

Our goal is to promote the transfer of knowledge and new technologies to the industry by linking many different segments while maintaining rich and multidisciplinary content. The quality of our articles is managed by our editorial board which consists of renowned experts, researchers and journalists.

Who are our readers?

The readers of IRT3000 magazine are experts from different fields of the industry and research institutions. The contents of our magazine target technicians, engineers, heads of manufacturing and R&D departments, entrepreneurs, tradesmen, company management and decision makers. Popular science content targets university professors as well as students of technical, business and other programs, and is often used as a source for seminar assignments and diploma theses.

To find out more about our advertising options and receive our MEDIA KIT, please write to us at:

Marketing- Slovenia

International marketing representative:



Editorial calendar- IRT3000 (Slovenian edition)

Issue Topic Deadline for advert delivery Publication date
issue No. 157 (January) A 7.1.2025 31.1.2025
issue No. 158 (February) B 4.2.2025 28.2.2025
issue No. 159 (March) A 4.3.2025 28.3.2025
issue No. 160 (April) B 4.4.2025 30.4.2025
issue No. 161 (May) A 6.5.2025 30.5.2025
issue No. 162 (June) B 3.6.2025 27.6.2025
issue No. 163-164 (July-August) A+B 1.8.2025 29.8.2025
issue No. 165 (September) A 2.9.2025 30.9.2025
issue No. 166 (October) B 3.10.2025 31.10.2025
issue No. 167-168 (November-December) A+B 14.11.2025 12.12.2025


         - Toolmaking and machine building 
- Non-metals                 
- Advanced technologies 
- Local news                                                                                                   


- Manufacturing and logistics              - Joining, materials and technologies
- Maintenance and technical diagnostics
- Local news                                                                        


Editorial calendar- IRT3000 ADRIA (Croatian edition)

Issue Topic Deadline for advert delivery Publication date
issue No. 70 (March)                                                     A+B 4.3.2025 28.3.2025
issue No. 71 (June) A+B 3.6.2025 27.6.2025
issue No. 72 (September) A+B 2.9.2025 30.9.2025
issue No. 73 (December) A+B 14.11.2025 12.12.2025


Editorial calendar- IRT3000 АДРИА (Serbian edition)

Issue Topic Deadline for advert delivery Publication date
issue No. 9 (March)                                                     A+B 4.3.2025 28.3.2025
issue No. 10 (June) A+B 3.6.2025 27.6.2025
issue No. 11 (September) A+B 2.9.2025 30.9.2025
issue No. 12 (December) A+B 14.11.2025 12.12.2025



Publisher magazine IRT3000
PROFIDTP, d. o. o.
Gradišče VI 4
SI-1291 Škofljica

Tax number: SI56342764
Ragistration number: 2185016

Ad service - editorial board
PROFIDTP d.o.o., PE Trzin
IRT3000 magazine
Motnica 7 a
SI-1236 Trzin


Contact us:

phone +386 1 5800 884
mobile: +386 51 322 442

M: +386 51 322 177

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