IRT 3000


Stop Wasting Design Time with a Winning CAD Data Management Strategy


What’s the cost of wasted time in CAD design? No one likes to waste time. But without a good CAD data management system to manage your product data and processes, you may not realize how much time you’re wasting on non-productive data management tasks … it can add up to one day a week!

CAD design is no game, but we’ve laid it out for you on a gameboard so you can see for yourself the time-wasters design engineers like you run into every day. This infographic by industry research firm Tech-Clarity shows all the obstacles that get in the way of design productivity.


The design teams of high-performing companies are up to 25 percent more productive than their industry peers. Download this e-book by industry research firm Tech-Clarity, "Reduce Wasted Time in CAD Design: Winning the Engineering Productivity Challenge." Learn how to effectively manage CAD designs and processes for greater design productivity, and invest more time in product innovation.


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